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HUGE OPPORTUNITY - $7,000 Matching Gift Grant

This is very important - Please read to the end... God has been good to us. As many of you know our reach has become very far and wide as we demonstrate the love of God throughout the nations. Our children's home is growing, our leadership network is expanding not only internationally but also in the states. With all of this great work our medical clinic located deep into the mountains of Haiti is serving one of the greatest needs. It is easy tell of the thousands of people that come through but we must never forget the one. Each person is so important to God and by the grace of God we are there to show them His tangible love on a daily basis.

We have a very special donor that has offered us a matching grant up to $7,000! With this grant we are endeavoring to install running water into our medical clinic as well as build and install cabinets and counter tops. Our clinic has been open for two years without the ability to turn on a faucet but now is the opportunity to make that happen, with your help. All donations will be matched up to $7,000 so now is the time to give! Large or small if you have a heart for this work now is the time.

I want to give you and idea of the scope of this project. We have a large cistern that catches and holds over 60,000 gallons of rain water. From there we will install a water pump and pipes up to a large tower that will house a container to hold the water. From there we will run pipes inside the clinic to exam rooms where we are going to build cabinets to hold the sinks!

We have a group going to Haiti May 6-12 to build and install all of this. They are self funding their travel and expenses will you help us by donating today and so your donation will be matched?


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